Saturday, 23 August 2014

This is the time...

" This is the time for small pay checks and big memories" 

It's nearly two weeks to go until my trip and time seems to be spreading past me and slipping through my fingers. I am experiencing a complete swing in emotions from excitement all the way to panic and a small bout of annoyance when I found out my car needed some work doing, long story, my fault (Possibly).

I still have things to get but I know they are quite easy I just need to go get them.  I'm making packing lists, shopping lists and to do lists which feel me like they never end and then trying to narrow down those lists so that I try not to take more than I need to, especially since I know that I can buy anything I forget when I get out there.

My main saving grace has been the amazing support I have received from people excited for me. I'm almost past the point of talking about it because most people seem to want to hear every detail of what I have planned for the next year but I don't have that much planned. I want to go with the wind and see whee life takes me for once, I'm getting fed up of having every moment of my life planned and planning. Now I just want to get started, even if it scares me a little.

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