Monday, 23 February 2015

SA - The End of 88

I can't actually believe that it has come round, it doesn't seem like 2 weeks ago since I can out to do my regional work and already I am at, and over, my 88 days. It quite nerve wracking to be leaving in a way because for the last three months I haven't had to worry about money for food, work or accommodation as it has all been on the farm ready for me and now I am back on the road and ready to face what life throws at me, or at least I hope I am.
I won't lie, after not doing my hair, wearing make up and doing my nails for months I am kind of excited to scrub up and dress up again instead of living in joggers and hoodies pulling out weeds and packing vegetables. I still have a tremendous amount of respect for Al and Brenda, how they go about living this life every day, every week all year I am not sure but they certainly have earned my respect. They have been so kind to me too, opening up their home and while the work was hard we had a good laugh. I would rrecommend them to Wwoofers and Helpx-ers alike wholeheartedly.

As I write this I am sat at the airport waiting to catch my flight for the next adventure, nervous anticipation creeping in and excitement bubbling through my veins. I have to hit the ground running in Melbourne as I have already lined up a job interview that takes place tomorrow first thing and my first trade test for a hair salon there, as well as a few fun nights out with the girls I started my farm work with. I can't wait to see them again and all the guys and girls I met my first week in Melbourne back in September last year.

Here's to the end of 88 and the start of the next great adventure, wherever it may lead.

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